Safeguard Your Company with Vendor, Supplier and Contractor Screening
Investigating Suppliers, Contractors, and vendors before signing contracts, agreeing to work together, or giving them assignments is simply a smart business move.
Protecting your business and all of its elements is essential, you cannot be too cautious about a potential partner. You would never hire a new employee without reviewing their resume, conducting an interview, and speaking to references – the same goes for new vendors, suppliers, or contractors. Just like hiring an individual, choosing the companies you do business with can present uncertainties. You want to know that the companies you associate with and utilize are reliable and reputable. Global Intelligence Network can help you make the right choice the first time.
Trust but Verify.
To some extent, all businesses run on trust. In many cases, it is an excess of this trust that allows the leeway for fraud to occur. Additionally, it is oftentimes an employee who has had a long length of employment and exemplary service to their organization that commits fraud. One must understand the various fraud risks that your company could face, which fit into three main categories:
- Billing schemes
- Check tampering schemes
- Bribery or extortion schemes
Controlling risk within your organization is difficult enough, dealing with third-party services can only increase the risk your business takes on. Our due diligence reports will remove speculation when choosing new service providers. We will obtain and report to you the crucial information to reduce your company’s vulnerability to external risks.
We operate based upon best practices and we recognize that to be effective, the compliance program most likely consists of ongoing screening and monitoring of agents and intermediaries.
Our custom suppliers and vendors screening, and investigations help attorneys, corporations, and investors.
Our suppliers and vendors screening services include:
- Business history
- Compliance
- High compensated employment, criminal and lawsuit history
- Court record search
- Public record search
- Social media investigation and Internet investigation
We offer private investigative vendor and contractor screenings on a standalone basis. Standalone searches ensure that clients receive the services they need and do not dedicate a budget to searches that are not necessary or cost-effective.